Smiths' Ministry Update!

Hey!  Thanks for taking the time to read our update.  It's great to have you with us as we walk in this journey together.

Developing Better Connections

Life is becoming quite busy lately, and over the last several months, God's been teaching me to be more intentional about connecting with others, and seeking opportunities to support them in their journey with Jesus.  This doesn't come naturally to me as in introvert, and while it is a challenge being stretched in this way, I am enjoying starting to develop some deeper friendships with the people around me, and being able to support each other better in daily life as we learn to follow closer to Jesus together.

I'm learning that one of Jesus' strategies for discipleship and ministry (apart from preaching the Good News and bringing God's forgiveness and healing to broken lives) was to spend time with His disciples in everyday life.

Three days later, they all went to celebrate a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was invited together with Jesus and His disciples.
[After the wedding celebrations] Jesus gathered His clan—His family members and disciples—for a journey to Capernaum where they lingered several days.
 (John 2:1-2, 12)

I wonder what they did for that time together in Capernaum - Jesus with His mother, His brothers, and His early followers.  It seems that Jesus was intentional in spending time together.

Have you ever asked yourself, "How do we connect better in our busy lives?"

For me, this sometimes means meeting one-on-one with one of the young guys or young couples from church to encourage and prayer for each other. Ray and I are also starting to be more intentional about having people over to share a meal together.

It's one thing to see people once or twice a week at church on Sunday and Community Group throughout the week, but I'm finding that connecting at other times is also an important aspect of being the Church. I'm sure this isn't news to many of you, but it is an area that I haven't done very well in the past and that I'm learning to grow in.

The community continually committed themselves to learning what the apostles taught them, gathering for fellowship, breaking bread, and praying.
They were unified as they worshiped at the temple day after day. In homes, they broke bread and shared meals with glad and generous hearts. (Acts 2:42, 46)

Of course, the most important connection is with God Himself, and part of learning to connect better with others is learning to be more intentional in my relationship with Jesus.   He is the head, He is the foundation, and He is the centre.  So it's becoming increasingly important to me to schedule time out of my increasingly busy schedule to be with Jesus one-on-one.

Jesus: "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."  (John 15:4-5)


Family Life

Life has been busy lately, my job change has been good, although I am struggling a little with certain aspects of it.  I am still coming to terms with what I can and can't do with my heart, as I discovered yesterday when I set it off again from helping Michael to move a wardrobe.  I guess we are going through a bit of a learning time.  I was starting to get a bit down over a few things lately, but eventually handed it over to God and asked Him to help me to bloom where He has planted me. So I am now looking for the opportunity in the hardships where God can shine through.

Michael and I have finished Sequel and found it very helpful in thinking more about what it looks like to follow Jesus and how we fit in God's Story.

We've also been doing a short parenting teens course through church, and have found it really helpful.  We did it with a group of other parents of teens and have come to realise that even though we struggle, we are all in the same boat.  We now have some peers that we can share with and encourage.  We haven't really had that since our kids started school, so it has been very refreshing.

Josh has given us permission to share this with you all: He has been having many medical and psychological appointments this year and has finally been given a diagnosis of ADHD and he is also on the Austism Spectrum.  He will have some tests run on his heart early next year to check he doesn't have the same issues as me, and if that is all clear, he will go on medication in the new year to help him to focus. This has been a real struggle for us, as to whether or not to medicate, but weighing up the options, we have decided to give it a trial.  Josh is looking forward to it as well, as he doesn't want to stay as he is.

Hannah is busy with school and work and trying to save for a car.  She produced a music video for an assignment at school for an original song that one of her teachers wrote and performed.  She did an amazing job.  The teacher is looking at using it for her video clip.

At the moment Michael is testing out the video game that I gave him for an early birthday present (this Thursday), (Zelda) and is eagerly waiting till the new one comes out next year.

And to finish off our news, Alaska turns one.  Our puppy is full grown in size and puppy in nature.  Woohoo.  No, she is actually pretty good. We just have to be mindful of how low the washing is hanging on the line, or if anything is left outside that we don't want chewed up.  She loves greeting all the school kids everyday as they walk past on their way to school and getting all the pats through the fence.

I am actually getting holidays between Christmas and New Years in my new job, so we will be heading down the coast to house sit my dad's house.  Hope you all have an amazing time this Christmas.  Pray you all keep safe.  

Love Ray

Looking Forward

  • We're running another sausage sizzle fundraiser at church this coming Sunday.
  • Planning towards an ATS Walk-through at "Streets and Lanes Festival" in 2017.
  • VergeQLD Sept/Oct holidays 2017 ...

We’re grateful that you’re continuing to partner with us and we want to say a big “THANK YOU” to each of you.  We couldn't do this without you and your prayers, and we're also very grateful for those who are supporting financially as well!

God has always shown Himself faithful to us and we're thankful and excited to see the opportunities that He is opening up for us to be part of His Story impacting more and more lives.  If you'd like to partner with us to see this increase, with either one-off or an ongoing gift then please use this Partnership form.

Mike & Ray

Serving with ...